Basic style webpage

The Basic Style Webpage service offers a traditional menu-driven layout that is both user-friendly and intuitive. This layout is a trusted choice as it provides a structured and clear navigational path for your site visitors. Another strong advantage of the Basic Style Webpage is the capability to handle dynamic content, like blogs. This not only enables you to regularly update your content to keep it fresh and relevant but also provides an excellent way to engage your audience and improve your site’s SEO performance.

One step ahead of tomorrow


Basic style webpage

  • Administrative Interface for Dynamic Content Management
  • 2Gb Web Storage (1 year in price)
  • 1Gb Mail Storage (1 year in price)
  • Maintenance (1 year in price)
  • Fully responsive (optimised for pc, tablet and mobile)
  • Basic SEO
  • Analytics (Google)
  • Google Kit

Overall completion time: 2-6 business days

Traditional Style: With Menus and Blog

This showcase page presents a website with a traditional structure, featuring menus and a blog section. Please note that the texts are filler texts, which aim not to reflect specific content but to showcase the traditional style and layout. The purpose of the sample page is to provide a comprehensive view of traditional style websites, with blogs and menus, inspiring visitors to opt for personalized yet classic solutions. With us, nothing is impossible.
To view, please click on the image.


At the onset of our collaboration, we ask you to fill out the form to help us understand your project plans in detail. Based on the received information, we will clarify all necessary details and prepare a personalized offer for you. In the preparation phase, we formalize our mutual agreement in a contract, which we send to you electronically.


Upon completion of the preparation phase, we immediately begin the realization of the project. We develop the first version and present it to you to provide an opportunity for you to request any modifications. Numerous elements can be changed in this phase, ensuring that the final result fully meets your expectations.


Following the finalization of the project and the integration of modification requests, we proceed to the publication. Even after this, there is an opportunity to request further changes, which we carry out within 2 – 6 business days. Our service includes 2Gb of Web Storage, 1Gb of Mail Storage, and continuous maintenance, all provided free of charge for the first year. After the first year, the annual fee for continuous maintenance is 35€.

Domain name checking

Basic Webpage Form

Optional fields (multiple selections possible)

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